Community Impact with Childcare Franchises

Every Goddard School benefits the growth of one child and family at a time, but by supporting dozens of families, it also has a positive impact on early child development within the entire community it serves.

Goddard for the Greater Good

Opening a Goddard School is more than an education-related business—it’s an opportunity to benefit the well-being of hundreds of families through early childhood development. When you commit your talent, effort and passion to early child development, you become part of a system that makes a lasting difference in the lives of thousands of children.


Quality Early Education Impacts Communities

Caring for and educating our youngest children is one of the most pressing issues our country faces today.  The value of early childhood development is supported by research from pediatricians, neuroscientists, and economists alike.  The quality of a children’s early learning experience can be a key predictor of their success in school and life. You can be assured that The Goddard School provides high-quality programs, and is recognized by both accreditation organizations and state quality ratings systems for positively impacting child development.


A five-university study* found that children who attended high-quality early childhood education (ECE) programs were “less likely to be placed in special education, less likely to be retained in a grade, and more likely to graduate from high school than peers who didn’t attend such programs”. Families who send their children to The Goddard School recognize the positive impact this can have on their children now and in the long term.

*Impacts of Early Childhood Education on Medium- and Long-Term Educational Outcomes


Parents whose children attend The Goddard School know their children are safe, happy and learning.  The continuous school to-home connections support the trusted relationship.  Parents feel less anxious during their work day and gain confidence from being informed throughout the day about their children’s experiences.


When parents have reliable, high-quality childcare, their employers immediately reflect those benefits. Their employees experience fewer missed days due to childcare challenges and turnover rates are significantly lower, particularly for women across all education levels. During the pandemic, many women left the workforce mainly due to childcare needs.  Families whose children enrolled in The Goddard School were able to return to work more quickly since they often found Goddard to be more stable and accessible than other smaller care providers.


As the American economy rebounds from pandemic shock, providers of high-quality education and care offer a valuable service to communities.  Each Goddard School provides employment in a positive work culture, along with a much-needed and appreciated service to families.

Your Journey Starts Here

Interested in joining the Goddard Family as a franchisee? Request more information to get the process started.

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